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February 2015

February - month of St Valentine's Day! Time to fall in love with art

For the romantic month of February, with St Valentine’s Day around the corner, how about a trip to Paris? If you can’t manage that, you might like to visit the city in spirit, through the lens of a present-day photographer who presents the city to us in images that would have been recognizable to the Impressionists and their contemporaries. Take a look at Beth Williamson's review of Paris: City of Light and fall in love with the work of Christopher Thomas. Then maybe the plane or the train will beckon irresistibly….

Can you afford your dream home? These days, probably not and possibly dreams have always tended to outstrip reality. How appealing, then, to be able to have the house one wants, furnished and decorated just as one prefers…in miniature. Dolls’ houses have been around for centuries and a fascinating exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum’s...

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